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Geo Terrain Models

Geo Terrain Models has all the necessary features to create, edit and volume calculate a digital terrain model. Many graphical editing functions for the model, such as creating new triangles, removing triangles, rotating triangles, moving points, editing point heights, connecting and dividing stop lines give you great flexibility.

Level curves can be created with any equidistance directly from the terrain model. Level curves can also be displayed directly in the model as an aid in editing.

From the terrain model, terrain sections and terrain profiles can also be created.

Volume calculation model-to-model means that volumes can be calculated between two optional models, between a model and a reference level or between the model and its own bottom surface (calculation of piles). The area to be calculated can be limited by a boundary polygon. The results of the calculation are given as excavation and filling volumes and areas. In addition, a difference model can be created in the volume calculation. From this, in turn, excavation and filling planes can be obtained to get a good overview of the location of the excavation and filling masses.